

英语书单推荐 篇一:2024.1.8《经济学人》节选双语精读【科技篇】...diseased livestock are killed and fields of infected crops set ablaze. All for good reason. Viruses are everywhere: from snowy mountain-tops to grimy lake floors. Bringing old ones back to life seems like an idea from science fiction. Resurrecting an ancient virus would surely be a disaster.【..


Hayley教口语,“地上裂条缝”用英语怎么说?"the earth/ground/floor opens" You say that you wish the earth/floor/ground would open (up) if you are so embarrassed that you want suddenly to disappear. (指尴尬得希望)地面裂开(使自己消失) At that moment the boss walked in, and I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. 正在还有呢?


英语书单推荐 篇二:2024.1.9《经济学人》节选双语精读【科技篇】...Both engines would be used to propel missiles, overcoming the range and speed limitations of current propulsion systems, including rockets and小发猫。 nozzles, which avoid the need for afterburners.by英语外刊社-DeepL翻译制作原创不易请勿盗用查看文章精彩评论,请前往什么值得买进行阅读小发猫。


