match the picture的相关图片

match the picture

下面围绕“match the picture”主题解决网友的困惑

Match the words to the picture。

1.Match the words to the picture。此句意思 是“将话语和图形搭配起来”2.match sth to sth 将...和...搭配起来 3.例句可以转换为Match the words with the pic...

match to跟match with有什么区别

1.动作:match to强调主动性,表示将某物与另一物相匹配;match with强调被动性,表示与某物相匹配。例子:- I matc...

match to跟match with有什么区别

读音和意思不同。match to 英 [mætʃ tu] 美 [mætʃ tu]使和…相等 match with 英 [mæt&#...

the actions. Draw lines form the clocks to th

请检查一下你的句子有没有打错,time表示时间不可数,这里如果是the times是指次数,前半句意思是听并将次数与动作连起来。form这里应该打错了吧,后半句意思是从...


China has been undergoing great socia-economic changes ever since the reform and opening-up in the late 1980s.至于你第二张图片里的句子,This is a very i...

Match the words with the pⅰctμ丶丶?

Match the words with the picture.这句话意思应该是 把文字和图片搭配起来。这个是大标题的要求,也就是咱们一般上是看图的时候,图的一边有文字,把图和文字搭配...

有没有match to这个用法, 如果有的话,与match with

1.match sth to sth 将...和...搭配起来 Match the words to the picture。此句意思 是“将话语和图形搭配起来”2.match with 使…和…相配(称)match with 1.相匹...

match to和match with的区别是什么?

1. 释义区别:- "Match to"意味着与某物或某种情况相配或相称。- "Match with"意味着与某人或某物相匹配或相配。例...

match the words with the things in the pictur


match to跟match with有什么区别

match with (使)与…相配, 使与…较量, 与…一致 例句:Dean Richards was recalled to the England squad for the match with Wales . 迪安·理查兹被召回英...

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